Friday, July 8, 2011

Personal Coach Training

Do you remember when you hired your first coach?

I am about to tell you a BIG secret about hiring my first coach AND why most coaches don't "get it" when it comes to selling their coaching simply because of HOW they hired their first coach.

I remember when I hired my first coach. I wasn't a coach myself. I was just a guy with a lot of problems.

I had lots of stuff I wanted to change. I was...

* out of shape

* in a job I hated

* sitting on a business I started that was going nowhere

* in an unhappy relationship. So...

I hired a coach to help me turn it all around. And, guess what? I did! I started exercising regularly, quit my job to focus on my business, turned the biz into a success, and ended my 4 year relationship. The key point here is that I hired my coach for "real" reasons.

You see, most coaches hire a coach for themselves because:

A) Their coaching school says they need to hire one. Or...

B) To get help growing their coaching business

Because most coaches didn't hire their first coach based on their own challenges, pains, etc. They don't know what it's like to NEED to hire a coach. To feel like "I've got to spend this money on a coach". So...

What happens is, they hire a coach for these "contrived" reasons. Understand that I'm not against coaching schools telling their students to hire a coach. It just creates a different expereince for "why people buy coaching". Plus, coaches get hired by students who are told to hire a coach. That also creates an "artificial experience" of why people "BUY COACHING"!


People want to buy coaching. Let me say that again.

PEOPLE WANT TO BUY COACHING! In fact many people ENJOY hiring a coach.

Here are 3 reason why this is true:

1) People want to buy coaching simply because they enjoy buying things. Some people just like to buy stuff and coaching is one more (potentially) fun thing to buy!

2) People want to buy coaching because they want to get serious about their achievement. They feel like it's time to get more focused, stop being scattered, etc. They want to stay on track and they "get" that coaching will help them do that. These people WANT to hire a coach.

2.5) An offshoot of the group above, there are some people who just want to grow. They have an inner drive for personal growth and see that hiring a coach could push them, challenge them, and help them see themselves in different ways. These people are rare, but they exist. They want a coach simply to enjoy the process of faster growth.

3) People want to buy coaching because they are desperate for a change and they realize they can't do it alone. This is why I hired my coach. My life was a total wreck! I was a mess and I couldn't take it any more. These people are like, "please let me hire you!" They REALLY want to hire a coach.

This is important to understand for a few reasons.

First, if you're one of the coaches that hired a coach because it was a mandatory (or highly recommended) part of your coaching school, then you may run into doubts and wonder if people really hire coaches in the real world.

NOTE: The bigger part of the problem is that you probably weren't taught how to get clients OR worse (like most coaches) you might have been taught a lot of the WRONG THINGS to do to get clients. And when these "flawed" approaches don't work, you have had a little voice in your head wondering if real people actually hire coaches.

Second, if you hired your first coach because your school said so, you just don't "get" what it feels like to be in a situation where you feel like you NEED to hire a coach.

You missed out on knowing what it feel like to be so stuck or lost, that you are willing to spend $300/month (or more) to fix it! And then...

You might not know the gratitude you feel for your coach helping you turn it around and thinking that it would have been worth twice as much as what you paid! But...

What you might experience as a coach growing your business is:

1. When you give out a sample coaching session, the person you're having the session with is doing YOU a favor.

2. People tell you coaching is "expensive" and people say no to hiring you and you start to believe them.

3. People don't "get" how coaching will help them, and say that they'll "think about it" and (never) get back to you.

You're experience as a coach growing your coaching business is different than that of the client that wants to hire you. Why?

Two reasons:

1) You're doing the "wrong things" in the "wrong ways" to get clients and because you were told to do these things you think they should work, but they rarely do.

2) The reactions some people have to you and your coaching make you feel uncomfortable and that discomfort "colors" your expectations of how the next person you talk to is going to react. So, your expectations falter and you start expecting negative reactions.


People actually DO want to buy coaching and if you have people that are having intro. sessions with you, then they probably want to hire YOU. It's just up to you to help them see how coaching will help them with what they are hungry to change.

I don't think there's 1 single thing more important for coaches to learn than how to conduct sample sessions in a way that compels people to hire you. It may be even more important than coach training because this will actually GET the clients for you to work with!
- Christian Mickelsen


1. Erase your previous unsuccessful experiences from your mind. Keeping these around, won't help because there's not much to learn from them.

2. Recall experiences you've had where you made a purchase and enjoyed it! Buying things can be fun and when you remember that, you can bring that back into your own experience of selling your coaching. People are going to enjoy buying from you.

3. Remember how excited you were when you hired your first coach! The fun, the "scary excitement" of knowing your going to have to grow. Knowing your life is going to change in interesting and wonderful ways! Your soon-to-be new clients will be in for quite a treat!!
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